Couples & Unicorns For Threesomes

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What Is A Unicorn Hunter...A Couples Seeking
Are Unicorn Hunters A Bad Thing ..NO!
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Threesome Hunters

Unicorn hunting, what the heck!! Yeah, unicorns and whilst its true some singles & couples do search out looking for unicorns, I really think it’s a term that was created within the porn industry and whilst singles, especially single bi females are very much in demand they are not Unicorns šŸ˜Š


When you think of the term ā€œUnicornā€ it sounds like something that canā€™t be found! But having seen how many looking for FFM / MMF that’s not the case.


Is unicorn hunting bad? It depends which way you look at it some would say that as a couple activity seeking out single male or female and asking them to join for SEX i.e. Threesome is using them as a sexual object.


This could well be true in many social circles where a couple want to find a single person for sex and nothing else, but, as a couple, that’s very much not the case, and more so if you are a member of a threesome / personals sex website, why do you if not to meet others for SEX.



Moral Side

If you look at Reddit it will have very strong views on Reddit, but thankfully Reddit isnā€™t where people make casual sex arrangements, if it was then Iā€™m sure couples will be struggling to meet singles being marked as ā€œUnicornsā€


The term Unicorn hunters is primarily aimed towards heterosexual couples, although looking at the number of gay couples either gay males or lesbians Iā€™m sure some of those are seeking out same sex meet ups gay threesomes…Does that mean gays couples are unicorn hunters.


Most of the bad rep about unicorn hunting, is aimed towards couples seeking out a woman, in most case that female being bisexual wanting to join for a Bi fem FFM Threesome, is wrong to seek out Bi women if they have joined a sex site to meet couples for FFM threesomes? NOPE šŸ˜Š


The way that some groups will pass this off is they are just looking at the bi female being a sexual object, but for many that’s the reason they join a personals site to find casual sex arrangements meeting couples and singles

Personals Sites ONLY

If you are a couple the safest place to meet with females or males is personals sites as others places like Reddit, Quora even Facebook now can often have people joining that are not what they say to are, with males trying to trick single females to join a couple and convincing the female that’s she’s talking to another women.


By joining personals site, you wonā€™t be finding hunters just couples that are looking to meet bi males or females sometimes even straight and everyone will be fully aware of the types of contacts on offer with a clear and open mind what will happen when meeting up

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